This site serves as an extension of my brain, where I gather everything related to my favorite topics that I want to remember. Some entries are thoughtful blog posts, while others are simply collections of useful links I’ve come across.
Big Data Tools
Spark Streaming SPARK configuration Pyspark streaming from and to csv-file in Zeppelin: basic code example How to print DataFrame column to console Kafka Streaming Json using Gson: How to rename a json field? (Actually this is a Gson topic) Some handy Kafka commands (that I keep forgetting) How to access your clickhouse database with Spark in Python Clickhouse
Machine Learning
Understanding the Directional Derivative and the Gradient Mastering the Softmax Function: Understanding its Derivative with a Step-by-Step Example The Sigmoid and its Derivative What is a Logit? Expectation Maximization
A Beginner-Friendly, yet Mathematical Introduction to Confidence Intervals Understanding the Directional Derivative and the Gradient Mastering the Softmax Function: Understanding its Derivative with a Step-by-Step Example Maximum Likelihood Estimation How to create a random variable with a Beta distribution from scratch, using only Uniform random variables Which envelope should you choose? Variance, Covariance, Autocovariance...what? Understanding the probability density function of the normal distribution
Jupyter-Notebook: Birthday-Problem Counting Stars and Bars Argument (Einstein-Bose) or placing n identical objects into n distinct bins, or drawing k times from n balls with replacement, order does not matter Binomial Coefficient Jupyter-Notebook: Confirming frequentists interpretation of conditional dependency Variance Understanding the probability density function of the normal distribution kleiner Gauss
Network Analysis
networking ubuntu How to print flow information with nfdump to csv How to collect flows or how to install pmacct with kafka and nDPI support Do network stuff
Difference between function and method Val and def Coin change problem Call by Name vs Call by Value in Scala C Pointer and Reference Useful python helpers Python Snippets Java
Collection of publications about ML in NTMA (Network traffic monitoring and analysis) A Beginner-Friendly, yet Mathematical Introduction to Confidence Intervals
How to get a website containig pyscript running on a hosted domain Wie kann man manuell eine html-Seite auf Ionos hochladen, um seine Domain mit der eigenen html Seite zu nutzen ohne eine teure Kauflösung? Python Naming Conventions