In Scala you can create functions using a so-called “function literal” E.g.
(x: Int) => x*x
Such an expression is called:
- function literal
- lambda function
- anonymous function
Under the hood, that is by the Scala interpreter, this in mapped into an instance of a trait like the following:
package scala
trait Function1[A]{
def apply(x:A):A
So the function
f = (x) => x*x
Is an instantiation of a class, which has an apply method. So you could write
But also simply
So f is an object that can be used like a function. Or a function that is an object.
Now what is a method? A method is declared with the ‘def’ keyword and there is no apply method involved.
//syntax for creating a function literal
([<parameterName> : <type> [,..]]) => {
function body
return [expr]
}[:return type]
val f = (x) => x*x
//this is similar to creating for example a string literal
val mystr = "hallo"
//syntax for creating a function
def functionName([<parameterName> : <type> [,..]]):[return type]={
function body
return [expr]
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